Refund within 7 Days Upon Receipt

If you find anything of our product to be unsatisfactory within 7days upon receipt, you may apply for a refund by providing us with your purchase proof. Note that you will be responsible for the shipping.


To get a refund, please follow these steps,

  1. Send refund request email to marketing@sunwayfoto.comwithin 7 days upon receipt of your order;
  2. Our CS will get back to you within 48 hours regarding the refund request;
  3. Once refund is approved, you will get reply of Return Instructions on how to send the product back to us;
  4. Please follow the instructions strictly when sending the product back;
  5. Returned product must be brand-new, packages not damaged and accessories not missing, or you may not be able to get a refund. Refund does not include shipping.
  6. Refund will be processed within 5-7 working days upon receipt and checking of your returned parcel.



Full Refund within 7 days on DOA items

If your order meets any of these conditions: wrong item; missing item; damages or scratches on product surface; quality issue or product not working on arrival; Please send it back to us for a full refund.


To get a full refund, please follow these steps,

  1. Contact us by email to marketing@sunwayfoto.comwithin 7 days upon receipt of your order, specify product issue and attach necessary photo/video, please note that a photo of the whole product with package is also required;
  2. Our CS will get back to you within 48 hours regarding the refund request;
  3. Once the full refund request is approved, you will get an email of Return Instructions;
  4. Please follow strictly the instructions to send back the product;
  5. Returned product must be brand-new, with its original package and not used.
  6. Full refund (including shipping) will be processed once we get your returned parcel and check the product.
  7. Note that if the product is not approved of a DOA refund policy after checking, you may not be able to get full refund, and this will be taken care of within 5-7 working days.


Warranty Service


Sunwayfoto guarantees its products are fit for the purpose of the design and free of the defects in material and manufacturing workmanship. All of our products carry a 1-6 year statutory warranty, and if your product is out of warranty, we will also provide necessary service when possible.


6-year Statutory Warranty on these products: Tripod, Ballhead and related accessories

1-Year Limited Warranty Service:On electronic products


Please follow below steps on obtaining warranty service,

  1. Contact us by email to,specify the issues with your product, provide us with your purchase proof and video showing the issue is required especially on electronic products;
  2. Our CS will get back to you regarding the product issues within 48 hours;
  3. Once warranty service is approved, you will get an email with Warranty Instructions;
  4. Please follow strictly the instructions to send back your product for warranty;
  5. Your returned product will be arranged for warranty once we get it;
  6. We will contact you after the product being fixed/repaired and arrange it to be shipped back;
  7. Shipping cost of returning the product for warranty will be at your charge and we will take care of the shipping cost of sending the fixed product back to you.
  8. We do not accpet any parcels by collect.



Warranty does not cover any defects or damages caused by below reasons:

- Malfunction/damage caused by misuse, including use the product under unnormal environment conditions, or do not follow the user manual etc.;

- Failure and damage caused by self dismantling of the product;

- Damage caused by force majeure (such as floods, fire, earthquake or lightning strike etc.)

- No purchase proof;

- Defects or damages not caused by our company.


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